You may not know it, but countless amount of people have fallen for this trick. usually this posting appear in almost all geographic areas of "Craigslist" . where scam artist claims to have access to money pak software or better yet they or their cousin actually work at Walmart, CVS or Walgreens and have a back access to add zero to loaded amount , for example if you loaded $20 they will make it $200 if you load it with $200 they will make it $2000. all you have to do is go to store buy a green dot "money pak" load an amount you can afford then scratch off back number and give it to them and within 20 minutes they will add one more zero to that amount , all they want is small omission after money is loaded.
Even if this could be actually done by some one with software access (Which they don't) It is illigal to participate is such scheme because you are defrauding a financial institution.
As per instructions from Craigslist scam artist you will go to store to buy a "Money Pak" and load it with maximum amount you can afford, say $50.00 , store will charge you $50+$4.95 processing fee. then you will be asked to scratch off the back and give them numbers as shown in the red circle in a picture above. that way they can reprogram that card and add zero to make it $500 and then you can load that amount to your debit card or paypal.
but here is a catch, as soon as you give them a number they will use that to load their own prepaid card and you will be left with zero balance . Money pak transaction is untraceable and irretrievable there bore your money stolen by these thief will never be recovered.
Thousands of people every month have fallen for this scam every month. Please don't be a victim.
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